Saturday, 16 May 2015

Critical Success Factor

What are the factors that's going to determine your success in your career life?
Which we called it the Critical Success Factor!

Critical Success Factors that's gonna turns you on;

Factor #1 Faith

What we believes what we get?! Is believing alone really gonna help you in your career to achieve your dreams?The Answer is No! Saying "I Believe" is always no enough..
Today if you believe that you will fly in the air and jump off the cliff you will die..
What is Faith? Well faith is actually believe in action..
Go back to the scenario and put on a wing suit and you will survive and enjoy...
Faith is not the wing suits but instead is the action of putting on the wing suits and believing you can actually fly...

Factor #2 Passion!

Ahh..The sexiest essence of success is passion. Passion is like fire, it burns everyone it reach and ignites their inner heat towards their daily goal! In spite of all the perseverance and consistency we need. Passion is important because whether you are an entrepreneur or an artist we all need passion and most of the time its life is just too bumpy to get passionate all the time but guess what true passion will ignite even brighter after you go through adversity. Perseverance and consistency will make no difference in your life if what you do has no passion in it.  Don't worry about the dull and gloomy days, strive because you see a brighter day in front of it.

Factor #3 Novelty

Don't be afraid of novelty embrace it! Novelty is one of the greatest reward you get in the journey..
Most people eventually escape from it because they believe that novelty is actually distracting them along the way. They are right too much of good things is a bad things but as long as you know how to organize it its becomes a powerful tool that excites you up...
Take my blog for example, this blog maybe the 20th link your been looking online through facebook or google+...
I know that feeling because we all caught up by all the links most of the time and its our endorphin from experiencing new things that keep us going on links by link.
Decide today instead of clicking random link, schedule you category if today you wanted to learn topics on self-help then click only the ones that are related in this way you will still learn new things but you stop wasting time distracted by other things like yoga moms and many other blue links..
Continually upgrade yourself...
Stay Hunger Stay Foolish like Steve Jobs !

Factor #4 Mindset

Have a positive mindset. You can't live a positive life with a negative mind. Its proven scientifically and taught for centuries. Having a positive mindset is one of those topics that are easy to say but very hard to follow because there's millions and even trillions of thoughts flow through our mind every second of our life, The best way to do so is to actually slows them up.
How do you do it?
Simple! Focus on activity that allows you to be mindful and conscious. Go for yogic activity like yoga classes and meditate at least 12 minutes a day.
If that doesn't excites you then get on the floor and do as much push ups as you can until you hear that heart pounding experience that's gonna allow your brain to produce enough endorphin that's gonna heighten things up.

Bare In mind! Whatever you do today links you in the future!

Success is traceable, it leaves track so does Failure...

Recommended : Success Diary
                            Inspirational Thoughts

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Until then go out there and make a different tomorrow..

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