Sunday, 24 May 2015


Hey guys, thanks for all ya support from my previous post i really appreciate it..
Today we are talking about forgiving..

In our way to success we are always met with people who eventually hurt us and some might even leaves us that leaves so much wounds in us that we sometimes lost our way in life..

Or it might ended up that we are the ones who's spreading the pain from all the unforgiveness we accumulated in our wounded heart...

So maybe it's time for us to learn how to Forgive others to help us strive forward with a better heart instead of a bitter one..So lets Roll!

Understanding Pain helps us in Forgiving.

Fierce or Suffering?

Look at the picture what did you see?
A fierce dog? Or is it suffering from a wounded heart? Tumble with fear deep within...
Wounded Dog Bite! So does a wounded Heart...
Many of us are like that...

Thanks to human revolution and changes in time we humans no longer lives in the jungle and chase by beast but does it really means we are safe from chaos?
Not really? And the real chaos has just started to invade human race....

The Chaotic World that Stops Us from Forgiving!

The Unforgiveness that roots within our heart from everyday wounds we collect in this chaotic world..
Filled with criticism, complains and worthless Justification...

What has happen to happy neighborhoods that was once crowded with laughter and kids running around now became nothing left but cold winds and door shuts not to prevent dust but fear of getting criticisms, complains and justification by others that wounds people into another attacking being?

Unforgiveness has become one of the greatest invader in our world today, and most destruction in our world could easily be lead to it...

Some will say, "come on I don't hate anybody, I have no unforgiveness at all in my life" but did you hurt anybody? Had you criticize anybody without heart? Had you justified in front of any crowd of people just for the sake of right and wrong? Had you complain on others because of your own selfish dissatisfaction?

Even if you do not hate other but have you not realize the inner psychology pain you left in others heart..
Instead of "Good morning" and "Hows you day?", you stumble into the office and complain about the traffic and criticize on your colleague's ugly tie..

You went on a sales call not taking any great about your product instead you try to simply prove how wrong others for buying from another company. And how right your saying is? Does it really matter to you or to your prospects?

Since when does humanity choose to turn themselves on others instead of the lavishing praise loving care that was once the basic foundation of our Human society?

Forgiving is a Choice...

Forgiving is a choice! Everybody knows that but how many of us really decides to do so?
Forgiving makes the world a beautiful place to live by..

Just imagine when your spouse tries to prove how right is he, 
forgive him for hurting your heart because you know deep inside she just wants the best for both of you..

When your kids annoys you when your trying to work,
Forgive them as they just simply lonely or misses you love.

When your colleague says your tie looks bad,
Accept it as a kind comment so that you know its time to have a look at yourself and improve.

When a salesman tries to make a hard sale on you,
forgive them as they needed the sales and money to keep their life run around as well...

When people say your a fool for starting something new,
Forgive them as they simply not dare to do it...

When your pet behave badly and pees around,
forgive him as he just needs your care and love...

Forgiving relieves pains of others and so does it diminished our guilt of spreading them...
Learn to forgive and I promise you will have a better tomorrow....

Also read: Its time for a Breakthrough 
                 5 Habits that Wreak Your Day and or even your Life

Do leave me a comment I read them all...

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Until then go out there and make a different tomorrow..

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